
Choose a plan which fits your needs.

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Monthly Billing
Yearly Billing
Free trial
14 day free trial. Best way to get started and try out our platform.
Get started
100 images
bbox labeling tool
Instance/semantic segmentation labeling tool
Keypoint labeling tool
API, CLI and SDK access
Model-assisted labeling
Auto-labeling (SAM & Any-Pose)
Basic labeling tool, without automation. Ideal for small proof-of-concepts.
Get started
1,000 images
bbox labeling tool
Instance/semantic segmentation labeling tool
Keypoint labeling tool
API, CLI and SDK access
Full labeling suite with AI automation tools.
Get started
5,000 images
bbox labeling tool
Instance/semantic segmentation labeling tool
Keypoint labeling tool
API, CLI & SDK access
Model-assisted labeling
Auto-labeling (SAM & Any-Pose)
For startups and companies who want to collaborate on projects. 3 seats included*.
Get started
10,000 images
bbox labeling tool
Instance/semantic segmentation labeling tool
Keypoint labeling tool
API, CLI and SDK access
Model-assisted labeling
Auto-labeling (SAM and Any-Pose)
Collaborate on projects
Dedicated support
* Extra seats at $29/month each.

Get in touch.

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